Dispute Resolution

We are acutely aware of the detrimental impacts – whether financial, reputational or psychological – that disputes can have on a business or an individual.  

Drawing on our deep experience in the full range of dispute resolution processes, we guide clients in implementing strategies to resolve their disputes, striking a balance between clients’ commercial objectives, risk appetite and the strength of their legal position.

Summary of dispute resolution options

It should always be borne in mind that the above dispute resolution options are not linear or mutually exclusive and that parties are always at liberty to switch between options. For example, even where litigation or arbitration proceedings are afoot, the parties may agree to stay (temporarily halt) the proceedings and attempt negotiation or mediation.


Our disputes practice is led by Sonny Payne, a solicitor advocate (Hong Kong), solicitor (England & Wales), Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitration, chartered civil engineer and part-time lecturer in mediation & negotiation at City University, Hong Kong.

Sonny Payne
Partner | Solicitor Advocate